
Happy 2014 Year

The earth reaches the starting point to revolve again
The moon backs the sun with the twinkles again
The dusk follows the dawn
And the clock ticks back twelve again
To mark a new year again.

New hopes, new aspirations
All are set on track
Be  righteous , Be just
Be receptive , Be determined
To mark something new 
To blow the trumpet
That has never been blew.

Today will become yesterday
Yesterday will follow today
Just do that which will make every day
A memorable day.
Compile a year which you will look back
Everytime as the best of your Life.

¡Salud! JJJ


  1. A very happy new year to you and all your readers

    1. Wish this year marks a Happy year for all of us. :)


Dont leave before leaving your words here. I will count on your imprints in my blogspace. :)